During my time in Australia I made more than 100 radio and television appearances with a focus on American politics broadly as well as events and issues like elections, immigration, social movements, gun control, police brutality, and racial inequality. I continue to occassionaly provide com Below are a few longer form highlights. 

-Midday w/Margaret Throsby, ABC Radio National, on social inequality in the US

-The Minefield w/ Waleed Aly and Scott Stephens, ABC Radio National, on the politics of protest

-SBS World News Live on immigration and the border wall

-The Minefield w/Waleed Aly and Scott Stephens, ABC Radio National, on the Iowa caucuses

-The World, ABC News, on the murder of Alton Sterling

-The Hack, ABC Triple J, on white nationalism

-ABC News 24, on the 2016 Democratic National Convention